Monday, December 4, 2006

Another One Gets To Burn

Today's news. A 33 year old woman has been charged with murdering her 3-year old son whose throat was slashed. Miami-Dade County Police found Danqioug Yang's son with his throat slashed and have the 911 calls where Yang told the operator she had stabbed the boy and there was blood on her.

I'm all about a fair trial, and this woman will get one. And when its over, and the tapes are played of her admitting to "stabbing" her son, which resulted in his 3 year old throat being slashed, and all the lawyer's pretty much agree, the woman did it and needs to pay, the follow up story should be...

The 33 year old woman, who was found guilty of slashing the throat of her defenseless 3-year old son, was brought to THE PILE Today. After having all her clothes and belongings donated to a local Salvation Army charity and all of her other assets sold to help pay for a new playground at the local woman's shelter, we can only hope that Ms Yang recognized the error of her ways as she was tossed onto the express elevator to Hell. Enjoy the Ride Ma'am, hope it was worth it you piece of garbage.

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