Thursday, November 30, 2006

How Easy to find one for the Pile

Headline..."Adoptive Mother of 7-year old boy gets life in prison for Killing Him with a Hammer"

Nice beginning...So a 33 year old woman, who adopted a boy, ended up beating him to death with a hammer and gets life in prison...where she never has to work, care for a child, worry about food, how to pay bills, how to make her husband happy, change diapers, get fired, be on time, or do anything that normal law abiding grown-ups do on a daily basis and is allowed to live off tax payer money for the rest of her life. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

The Correct way to handle this situation should have been. 33 year old woman found guilt of brutally killing a defenseless child in her care was taken to THE PILE this weekend and tossed on as thousands cheered while her burning body was engulfed in flames and her screams of agony sang out like a chorus of justice for the innocent life she stole from humanity.


SJG3RD said...

I completely agree with the entire idea of the pile and throwing evil doers on it. There is too much evil in the this world and the pile will take care of that problem.

Unknown said...

Someone woke up on the hate side of the bed this week. Dude the eff bee eye is totally watching you on this. Granted the Pile is a great concept at dinner parties but should you really post your hatred toward evil doers on the net? Someone may take this a little too seriously and connect you with some crime you had nothing to do with just because you have the appearance of a crack pot. Peace Love and Gap Bytches